Basic SkinCare Routine For Acne & Tips For Every Skin Type

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Let’s face it no one wants to be dealing with Acne when there are more important things to do than popping bumps in your face.

In this article we will showcase the basic skincare routine for acne and some simple tips for every skin type. 

Are you ready to start fighting those unwanted pimples?

Let’s dive in!

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Basic Skincare Routine For Acne

According to American Academy of Dermatology Association (AAD),,,

-Acne is a skin disease which affecting up to 50 million Americans yearly.

Where it occurs?

When your pore become clogged by oil, dead skin or impurities and bacteria.

Acne can occur from :

  • Excessive oil produced by folices
  • Accumulation of dead cells in your pores
  • Bacteria build up in your pores.

Nevertheless, these problems are the root of your pimple appearance. A pimple appears when bacteria grows in a block pore where oil couldn’t escape.

So, that’s why your Acne appears now let’s look at the care and treatments.

An effective skincare routine is necessary for good skin and can actually help with certain types of acne.

For people like myself who have a mild case of Acne there are many skincare products available that are formulated to treat and manage the break outs.

Hence, a daily skincare routine can help us get our acne under control.

One thing I have learnt during my care process is that not having a stable skincare routine or changing products frequently can worsen your acne by inflaming and further irritating your skin.

Basic Skincare Routine For Acne (Cleanse)

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Simple put cleansing should be the very first step in any skincare routine for acne.

Throughout the day, and/or even when you’re asleep, your skin picks up dirt and bacteria from your hands, hair, and pollutants in the environment.

Therefore, cleansing removes all of these unwanted things from your skin’s surface. 

But, when choosing a cleanser, you should look out for ingredients proven to treat and prevent acne safely.

The major ones are benzoyl peroxideniacinamide, retinoids, and salicylic acid.

Some cleansers also market themselves as acne-specific and may be worth investing in.

Note to self,,

–Try and avoid cleansers and face washes with artificial fragrances and colorings because they can further irritate and exacerbate your acne. 

During the process use clean fingers with cleansing sponges and/or pads.  Also, avoid abrasive sponges/pads that can cause inflaming your acne further.

Basic Skincare Routine For Acne (Tone)

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Yeah toners are used to clear the skin of dirt, oil, and makeup residue that might have been missed during the daily cleansing stage.

Some people think that toning is an optional step but I don’t.

The good thing is that some toners are also formulated to hydrate the skin and/or fade acne scars.

They’re typically very thin liquids like in the image above and they are applied to the skin with cotton pads. A toner that contains acne-fighting ingredients like salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide will likely be more effective than other kinds. 

Be mindful that Benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid can be drying to the skin, so it’s important not to use too many skin care products that have them in it.

In the end make sure your toner has dried completely before you move onto the next step

Basic Skincare Routine For Acne (Exfoliate)

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No one wants dead skin cells on their body and yeah the fact is that clogging pores contributes significantly to the development of acne.

exfoliants help to prevent breakouts by manually sloughing off dead skin cells from your skin’s surface before they have a chance to clog your pores and aid inflammation.

But it must be done with extra care because one of the keys to treating Acne successfully is to avoid irritation and inflammation,,

So, try to avoid over-exfoliation at all cost.

Whats does this means? 

Exfoliation should probably not be a daily step in your skincare routine for acne. Avoid physical exfoliants like scrubs. 

Instead, opt for chemical exfoliants like glycolic acid, mandelic acid, lactic acid, and salicylic acid. These chemical exfoliants can be applied with a gentle cotton pad.

Basic Skincare Routine For Acne (Apply Medications)

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Let’s not take this step lightly and you should apply your Acne Medication to your face with very clean hands.

It does not matter if it is prescribed to you by your dermatologist or if it is an OTC treatment.

Depending on the directions for use given to you by your dermatologist or from the written label, the product may be for use all over your face, or it may be applied to a single spot.

Note that, acne spot treatments will typically dry out your skin, so you should not use them too liberally neither should you skip out on the moisturizing process after using them.

Also, with mild acne, you can skip this step if you use a moisturizer that is also intended to fight acne (a two in one product).

Basic Skincare Routine For Acne (Moisturize)

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Moisturizing is like heaven to me and a good one will help introduce moisture into the skin and help retain it.

The plus side is that moisturizers can help soothe the itchiness and discomfort that acne sometimes causes. 

There are many varieties of  moisturizers and they can come in the form of creams, lotions, serums, or gels.

But for this step, use clean fingers like in the image above and apply your chosen moisturizer all over your face. Use the quantity that the product packaging recommends.

Note, there is no magic formula so you can eventually adjust the amounts to a level that is optimal for your skin.

Basic Skincare Routine For Acne (Use Sun Protection)

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No matter how much sun you get exposed to daily I believe in applying protection for my skin.

While it doesn’t exactly help to clear breakouts, using sun protection is an essential element in any skincare routine for acne. Our skin needs to be shielded from the sun and its harmful UV rays.

Sun exposure without adequate protection can darken area where acne leaves scars and post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation on the skin.

Hence, sunscreen is necessary to give maximum effect to acne scar and dark spot treatments. 

Tips For Every Skin Type

acne routine for all skin type

It is common sense that the products you should use in your skin care routine for acne should somewhat depends on your skin type.


Because some skin types respond better to some ingredients than others, and are conversely, more easily irritated by some ingredients than others. 

Yeah, one size does not fit all for skincare. So, let’s look at some variations with the treatments and matching skin types

Tips For Every Skin Type (Oily Skin)

If you have oily skin try to avoid harsh cleansers and toners,,

–as “they can excessively strip your skin of oil, causing your oil glands to overcompensate and produce even more oil” according to National Library of Medicine.


It may not always be true,,,

–moisturizers labeled water-based, oil-free and/or non-comedogenic are less likely to clog pores and cause breakouts.

This is especially important, as oily skin is highly prone for acne.

Tips For Every Skin Type (Sensitive Skin)

For sensitive skin type make sure that all your skincare products are mild and contain simple ingredients.

If possible, opt to only use products that are formulated for this skin type.

Tips For Every Skin Type (Dry Skin)

Dry skin is the category that I fit in so I know too well the troubles at hand.

If you have dry acne-prone skin, you should choose gentle, cream-based cleansers.  And you should also stay away from toners that are astringent as they can further dry out and inflame your skin.

Stay away and try to avoid using hot water to wash or rinse your skin, luke warm or cold water is preferable for this skin type. 

Tips For Every Skin Type (Mature Skin)

I suppose as we get older our mature skin will require more moisture, so you should opt for skincare products that are hydrating and contain acne-fighting ingredients. 

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So, we learn that the the basic skincare routine for acne involves : Cleansing, using medication, moisturizing, and using some form of sun protection.

These are the  essential process of any skincare routine for any type of acne-prone skin.

The takeaway from this article is that a daily skin care routine may help treat a mild-moderate acne-prone skin.

I hope this post was helpful and by leaving your comment please let us know if we miss any steps or products that you might personally use in your treatment.

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