12 Best Investing Affiliate Programs (For High Commissions)

investing affiliate program

12 Best Investing Affiliate Programs With High Commissions

Do you love finance and investing?

Is your niche focused on investing and investment?

Then you’ll be excited to know that there are a lot of investing affiliate programs you can join. 

The even better news is that we’re going to list the 12 best investing affiliate programs to choose from.

We collected the best ones with high commissions and great perks. 

Are you ready to know the 12 best investing affiliate programs?

Let’s dive in! 

This post may contain affiliate links which means we may receive a commission from purchases made through links. We only recommend products we rank as well rated and we can personally used: Learn more on our Private Policy Page

Investing image

Here is our comprehensive list of the 12 best investing affiliate programs:

  • Acorns
  • eToro
  • Forex Mentor
  • Roofstock
  • Personal Capital
  • Ally Invest
  • Tykr
  • Libertex
  • The Motley Fool
  • Pepperstone
  • Rocket Dollar
  • Binance

Now, let’s look at these programs one by one.

Commission: $10 

Cookie Duration: 30 days

If your audience is only starting out in investing, Acorns is the best platform to start.

Acorns is the leading micro-investing app in the U.S.

They focuses on the realm of micro-investing from their App-

–With your spare change, you can become an investor, too!

Save, invest, and earn from as little as $3 to $5 a month.

You can bank smarter with their educational programs, too. 

With their affiliate program, you can view their demographics, differentiators, and geo-targets to help you in earning. 

Commission: $160

Cookie Duration: 60 days

eToro is an established social investment company committed to maximizing accessibility for traders and investors.

Think of eToro as a one stop shop in the investment market.

You can invest, trade, and diversify your portfolio easily with the help of their platform. 

Their affiliate program offers excellent commission rates, an above-average cookie window,,

–intuitive promotion tools and tracking systems, and an overall enhanced platform.

Why Choose eToro? 

Commission: 30%

Cookie Duration: 60 days

Lots of people start in the finance industry and do not have any idea what they’re doing.

The worst part is that they might received the wrong information form day one.

Enter Forex Mentor. Trading in the Forex markets can always benefit from a little bit of guidance,,,

and Forex Mentor provides accurate, comprehensive insights for all traders. 

With a refined program from founder Peter Bain,

You can join a community of trainers, mentors, and traders that can help you learn your trading skills. 

Get your audience to Forex Mentor’s website through affiliate links,,,

–and you’ll get 30% per sale.

Plus, you’ll be earning around $10 for every 100 visitors sent to their site!

Learn to trade forex with Forex Mentor

Commission: $15 per referral

Cookie Duration: 30 days

This affiliate program is the best bet for real estate investors.

As the top marketplace for single-family homes,,,

–Roofstock makes real estate investing more accessible for its users. 

Find a single-family rental, sell your listings, and manage your investments –

all in one place.

Everything you need is remote and at your fingertips. 

So, help your audience learn more about real estate investments and single-family rentals through Roofstock affiliate program.

Each link can earn you $15.

Commission: $100

Cookie Duration: 60 days 

Personal Capital is a wealth management firm that aims to transform your financial life.

They focus on retirement planning..

First founded in 2009, the company has now grown to provide wealth management products for its users. 

Through these tools, users can analyze and plan their mutual fund investments, retirement plans, and cash flow. 

A free dashboard is available for those who will join their affiliate program.

If you have an audience that wants to gain more control and insight over their finances,,,

this is the program for you to join and showcase. 

Personal Capital retirement plan:

Commission: $25-$50

Cookie Duration: 45 days

Hosting on Lasso

Ally Invest is a platform that makes investing easier and more accessible.

Investors can pick between two options to grow their money — Self-Directed trading or a Managed Portfolio. 

While self-directed trading allows you to build and diversify on your own,,,

a managed portfolio lets Ally itself pick bonds and mutual funds for you.

You also have access to options, penny stocks and forex. 

With their affiliate program, you can attract an audience with an interest in personal finance.

Once you create a successful lead within your blog, you earn $25.

And, if that lead transforms into a direct trading account within Ally Invest, you earn $50. 

Ally Invest review:

Commission: 30%

Cookie Duration: 60 days

Need more education on stock investment?

Tykr is a stock screener and educational platform that can help you out.

Their platform is easy to use,

–and is supporting over 30,000 stocks.

Plus, you can learn how to reduce risk and maximize your investment returns.

Tykr gives you more confidence in your stocks by explaining each stock’s current price.

Knowing to buy the right stock and the right price is a hard decision…

–but their analysis helps you to make better decisions with your investments.

You reduce risk and gain more experience in analyzing and trading. 

For their free-to-join affiliate program, you can earn up to 30% recurring income.

Let your audience learn more about Tykr.

Tykr value investing for the average investor:

Commission: $800 or lifetime commission

Cookie Duration: N/A

Libertex is a trading platform for Forex, cryptocurrency, ETFs, and commodities.

With over two decades of experience (since 1997),,

they have now accumulated over 250 tradable assets.

If you want a platform that offers variety, Libertex is the trading platform to go to. 

You can earn from their affiliate program through a CPA plan or revenue-sharing program.

Plus, you can advertise them with lucrative, creative promotional materials by Libertex themselves. 

Go for it!

Your audience will love to learn more.

Libertex how it works?

Commission: $100

Cookie Duration: 30 days

The Motley Fool has been an established brand since 1993.

As a private financial and investing advice company, they provide well-researched insights to millions of people around the globe.

They also provide analyses, tools, and model portfolios you can follow. 

Their audience ranges from experienced stock investors to rookie investors.

As you can see The Motley Fool offers a GREAT commission for those who convince people to use their services. 

You must agree,, this is a great option to add to your list. 

The Motley Fool- How to invest in stock:

Commission: $1300

Cookie Duration: N/A

Whether you’re new to trading and investing or already a seasoned expert,

Pepperstone is a great partner.

One of the largest Forex brokers in the world, Pepperstone has expanded for people to invest and trade in:

cryptocurrencies, commodities, and ETFs.

And the great news is,,

–their three platforms are FREE!

As  a choice for an affiliate program, they’re definitely one of the higher-paying ones in the market.

You can earn up to $1,300 for each sign-up that deposits money into their platform. 


This is a great choice to showcase to your audience.

Inside the mind of a Pepperstone trader:

Commission: 15% 

Cookie Duration: 30 days

Invest in whatever you want for your retirement account with Rocket Dollar.

The company specializes in alternative investments —

—meaning anything that doesn’t fit under mutual funds, bonds, or stocks. 

You can choose between funding three different types of accounts —

1)  traditional account

2) Roth IRA account

3) Solo 401(k) account. 

If you need ideas to help diversify your portfolio,

Rocket Dollar is a great affiliate program to join.


Share Rocket Dollar with your audience and start earning 15% per referral. 

What is Rocket Dollar?

Commission: 50% 

Cookie Duration: 90 days

As one of the top cryptocurrency trading platforms, people get access to cryptocurrency coins like Bitcoin, Ethereum, BNB, and the Green Metaverse Token.

You can build your own portfolio and expand to NFTs, dive into payment technologies, and start earning. 

When you advertise Binance to your audience, you earn crypto commissions of up to 50% through your link.

investing Affiliate Program image

And there you have it — the 12 best investing affiliate programs. 

So,  no more excuse for lack of knowledge about the investing world.

Now that you know what each program offers, you can select the one that fits YOU. 

Let’s know if we miss any of your favorite programs by leaving your comment now. 

Go for it and,,

Good Luck!

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