How to Make Money (Stay at Home Mom – 10 Great Ideas)

Make Money Mom image

We know that most moms who decide to stay home usually take care of their kids?

But did you know that they can stay home and learn how to make money?

Yeah, staying home does not mean you cannot earn an income.

And these moms are not powerless. 

There are loads of side hacks that they can do.

In this blog, we’ll show you 10 of them.

So get ready to be inspired?

Let’s dive right into it!

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#1 How to Make Money “Stay at Home Mom” (Start A Blog)

Mom blogging image

Did you know that, starting a blog is one of the best ways to make money?

And yes this is relevant to the stay at home mom today.

Without a doubt, just check out these incredible blogging stats:

  1. 77% of internet users read blogs.

  2. Internet users spend 3x more time reading blogs than reading emails (in the U.S.).

  3. Content marketing (which centers around blogging) is now worth over $400 billion.

In fact, blogging is so awesome, millions of people have decided to start their own blogging business.


Blogs in USA image

So, how do you start a blog?

And ultimately how do you make money from it?

Let us look at the minimum resources that you need.

First things first.

You’ll need a Website.

Check out our blog “How To Build A Niche Website for an easy, step-by-step way to build one.

With this guide, even total beginners can follow the simple steps.

And don’t worry.

Starting a website is relatively inexpensive.

In fact, you can get web hosting for only $3.96/month with BlueHost.

BlueHost Image

Once you have your site up and running,,,

You’ll need to gain traffic through publishing weekly blogs.

You can write about anything!

Arts and crafts, baby care, cooking and baking, exercise, pets, finance (anything you feel you know about quite well).

Posting valuable, high-quality content on a regular basis will pull in organic traffic to your site…

…and that’s when you can start monetizing.

Here are 3-(three) proven ways to do so:

  1. Affiliate marketing– Affiliate marketing is the practice of promoting companies’ products or services for a commission. Like ShareASale.

  2. Sell your services– Are you a writer, teacher, graphic designer, or marketer? You can use your blog to tell the world what you have to offer.   

  3. Sell your own products (e-commerce)– Into arts and crafts? Love to bake? Why not use your blog to sell your own unique stuff online?

There are other ways you can make money with a blog platform…

But let’s stick with these three for now,,,

Also, let us give you an idea of what’s the related money earning potentials.

From a wild guess..

stay home mom earning money image

How much do you think you can earn through blogging?

Answer: the sky’s the limit!

Here are some take away inspiration for you:

  • Chandler Bolt earned $9.6 million in 2021 alone.

  • Rachel Cruze has a net worth of over $3 million (she’s a stay-at-home mom).

Sure, not everyone will make millions with their blog.

Maybe you won’t (or maybe you will).

But even if you don’t, what if you could make an extra $2,000 a month through blogging?

Or even $5,000?

Or $10,000?

You will get the best of both worlds..

Earning money plus enjoying your kids growing up each day.

Yeah it would  be crazy not to give blogging shot!

#2 How to Make Money “Stay at Home Mom” (Do

Freelance Writing)

stay home mom freelance writer image

Are you a great writer?

Maybe you were an English major in college.

Or maybe you were a journalist.

Or maybe you’re just a person who loves to write, even if your writing is for your own eyes only.

Good news!

You can make money through writing for the web.

Here’s how much freelancer writers earn (on average):

Freelance writer annual income image


At an average of $40k a year that is not bad, right?

So, where can you find who hires freelance writers?

To start, check out these platforms:

Of course, the best way to get premium clients for your freelance writing service is to start your own blog.

But if you want to get your feet wet,..

beginning with sites like Upwork is a great idea.

From there, you can start working directly for your own clients.

Also, for more inspiration, check out freelance writer Elna Cain.

Elna Cain writing image


Elna is a stay at home mom with a pair of adorable twins.

She set up her freelance writing business in only six months, and now charges up to a $1,000 (thousand dollars) for a single blog.

Which is great news!

Because you can do it too.

#3 How to Make Money “Stay at Home Mom” (Create Online Courses)

Online courses image

These days you don’t need to be a doctor in mathematics or a science professor to create your own courses.

Not anymore.

In today’s digital world, anyone can teach what they know to someone else.

In other words, you may not be a world renowned chef.

But if you know a unique way to bake/cook pasta, you can teach others how you do it.

Just show them the simple steps.

It’s that easy.

And yes, you can earn loads of money from creating courses.

You can start out small by building simple courses and sell them on platforms like Udemy or Domestika.

You can even become a freelance course creator for SmartFinders

Here is a good example of a simple course:

udemy simple course image


Simply sign up for a free account,,,

and you can begin creating your course material and selling it on Udemy platform.

So, how much can you make from selling your courses this way?

It depends.

Your earnings will be determined by the quality of your courses and how many people buy them.

According to Instructor Academy, Udemy course creators earn between $1,000 and $3,000,000 over a lifetime.

Consider that this is passive income..

This is not bad, right?

Everyone’s dream:

as you create the course once,,,

and it continually earns you money month over month

#4 How to Make Money “Stay at Home Mom” (Work For a Content Agency)

content agency image

If you love to write, but not into the stress of starting your own website and managing a solo business?

Then you can work for a content agency.

It’s simple.

Once you pass their test, you’ll receive writing assignments..

And in most case you can complete them at your own pace.

A content agency can either pay you per word or per article.

Here are examples of great agencies you can apply to work for:

  1. Express Writers

  2. Constant-Content

  3. ContentFly

Remember, working for a content agency isn’t the same as working for yourself.

(You won’t earn as much.)

BUT…if you’re the type of person who’s looking for a chill type of job without the stress..

You’ll love working for an agency.

And the compensation isn’t that bad.

For example, if you reach authority writer status at Express Writers, you’ll earn 6c per word.

That is not bad right?

It’s an easy way to make that extra income of $1,000 (or more) per month.

#5 How to Make Money “Stay at Home Mom” (Be An Online Coach)

Online Coach image

There is great news for this option..

Because being an online coach doesn’t require you to have a fancy degree.

That’s right.

All you need to do is to prove you’ve accomplished something in your field.

For instance, let’s say you started up your own business from scratch.

You came up with a unique method for getting clients, and it works every time.

You have find a winner!

You can coach people on exactly how they can do the same.

Coach and course creator Maria Wendt did just that.

She started out with a tiny business, earning only $63.22 in her first year.

But she didn’t give up.

Instead, she developed her own method for getting clients…

…then started coaching others how to do it.

Today, she’s a huge success with a $1m (million-dollar) business.

Maria Wendt image


Think you can do it too?

Yeah, you can!

Just look back on your life and identify your biggest accomplishment.

Whatever it is, you can coach others to accomplish the same.

You can learn more about online coaching from a great book by Kate Anthony

Online coaching book by Kate Anthony

#6 How to Make Money “Stay at Home Mom” (Work As A Proofreader)

Proofreader image

If you got a quick pair of eyes and know how to pay attention to details…

then you can become a freelance editor or proofreader..

You should know that being an editor doesn’t only mean scanning contents for  a few spelling errors.

For most companies, it means doing deep edits.

It means going through the brief a client ordered, and checking to see if the writer followed the instructions carefully.

So yes, you need savvy writing skills for this kind of side job.

But if  you think that you got  these skills..

then you can apply for an editor job at content agencies.

For instance, Express Writers hires editors for $15 an hour.

express writer image


You can also check out freelance job boards like Upwork…

They have a ton of editing jobs available.

To be clear, this is just a side hack.

As being an editor probably won’t make you rich.

But yeah, it’s a great side job..

you can do it while nursing the little ones.

What is great is that It’s not that strenuous either..

hence,  you don’t need to worry about losing any sleep over your projects.

On top of that, most companies or clients won’t require you to have a special degree to become an editor…

All you need to do is prove you can do the job…

And they’ll hire you in a heartbeat.

These days talented editors are scarce compared to the amount of content published online.


#7 How to Make Money “Stay at Home Mom” (Be A Virtual Assistant)

Virtual assistant image

We all know that the world has gone total digital.

It is now one global network managed by the internet..

This means that today, most in-person jobs have their virtual equivalents.

So, if you were a secretary or an administrative assistant before deciding to be a stay home mom…

…you can take your skills, knowledge, and know how experience,,

into the online world by becoming a virtual assistant (VA).

The job of a VA is similar to the job of a secretary or a subject matter expert.

You’ll handle your boss’s email accounts, make phone calls, and book travel tickets.

But that’s not all.

Some VAs are also in charge of a company’s social media accounts, blog writing, marketing, graphic design, and more.

Don’t worry, though.

You don’t need to be a multi-talented expert before applying for a VA role.

It’s OK to start with just your great organization skills.

From there, your boss will train you to do the other required tasks.

So, are you ready to look for VA jobs?

Start with the basics here:

  1. Upwork

  2. Indeed

  3. LinkedIn

FYI: your earnings as a VA will depend on:  1) your boss

2) your scope of work,

3) and your skills.

But on average VAs earn a decent income at $45k annually. 

average VA income


#8 How to Make Money “Stay at Home Mom” (Become A Social Media Manager)

Stay Home Mom Social Media Image

If you are like most of us..

Then you might love spending time on Facebook and Instagram..

Why not turn your passion for social platforms into a lucrative career?

Another amazing idea!!

According to Backlinko.Com there are approximately 4.48 billion active social media users,,,

That means companies are scrambling to find a way to reach this gold mind of potential customer base.

And you can help.

Why not?

You can be an expert at creating posts that will get tons of likes and shares,,


You can do all of this while working for your clients.

With some easy task it is a no brainer,,

What will you’ll handle in this position?

  • Plan social media campaigns

  • Create a content strategy

  • Interact with customers and other social accounts

  • Post regularly on social platforms

  • Analyze engagement data

And the great news is..

It is not hard to find companies that are looking to hire someone to manage their social accounts.

You can check out Indeed or other job boards like OrbitJobs..

You can even head over to LinkedIn and browse through their list of 40,000+ social media manager job openings.

The pleasant surprise is that the job role of a Social Media Manager pays really well.

Check out the average according to Built In.

average salary for social media manager


Not bad at $72.7k

And the big plus is…

You’ll be working on the social platforms you love, making your job a win-win deal.

If you want to learn more about how to be a Social Media Manager..

Check out “Starting Your Career as a Social Media Manager by Mark Story”

Social Media Career book by Mark Story image

#9 How to Make Money “Stay at Home Mom” ( Sell Your Photos Online)

Stay home mom taking photo image

Do you have the latest SmartPhone or a great camera?

Or maybe you were a photographer back in the days.

You have experience: capturing weddings, graduations, and maybe some birthday parties.

The great news is that,,

your photography skills don’t have to go down the drain.


You can take some lovely photos at home and sell them online.

That’s right!

Platforms like iStock are scrambling for stock photos to sell to the public.

Yeah, you can even join PhotoJobz and sell your photos for great money

PhotoJobz Image

And what’s surprising is you don’t need to snap pictures of the Eiffel Tower to get sales.

You can take photos of a just about anything like a mug, a leaf, or a table…

…and you can get a ton of downloads from people who love your work.

Studies show that these types of photos actually get the most downloads.

Here are some other platforms you can upload your stock photos to:

Easy steps to start!

Simply sign up for an account,,,

pick your best stock photos,,,

upload them, and voila!

By sharing your photos,,

You could be earning a nice side income in a few weeks.

#10 How to Make Money “Stay at Home Mom” ( Become A Graphic Designer)

stay home mom graphic design image

The plain truth is that,,

People want to see images and videos. 

When they see a wall of unending text online, they get bored and bail.

That’s why images and design are so important.

I mean, check out how different this blog looks.

envato graphic design blog image


Just look at it: the cover feature image

the layout, the colors and the theme are all about graphic design.

Everything works together to pull your eyes in and keep them there.

That’s why if you know a thing or two about graphic design…

…I’ll bet there’ll be hundreds (or even thousands) of companies racing to hire you for that kind of skill…

You can design:

  • Blogs

  • Brochures

  • Ads

  • Social media graphics

  • And more

There is no limit!

A great income opportunity.

Plus, the average pay for a graphic designer is relatively decent.

Check it out.

graphic design average salary image


Indeed this is pretty decent!!

To scout for graphic design jobs, you can go to:

If you want to learn more about graphic design skills..

Check out this beginners book by : Radu Frasie

graphic design book image

stay home mom image

How to Make Money “Stay at Home Mom”

(Endless Options)

So, you have decided to be a stay at home mom.


You’ve chosen to do something truly worthwhile.

But here’s the thing with staying home with the kids.

Sometimes, you’ll feel powerless and bored.

You’ll feel as though you’re taking the backseat in your career.

But we have shown you It doesn’t have to be this way.

You don’t have to choose between your kids and a career.


Because you can have them both.


The world has changed all for the better. 

It has become increasing easy for you to learn how to make money.,,

even as a stay at home mom.

And we mean, serious money.

Did we cover all of your favorite side hacks for stay home moms?

or, did we forget to mention the ones that are on your short list? 

Either way we would love to hear from you,,

So, leave your comment below ..

And finally,,,

Scroll back to the top and go through the 10 ways to make money as a stay at home mom.

Choose one or two from the list.

Then, go for it.

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